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  • Writer's picturePictures4Us


Every picture has its own story. Do you believe it?

Once, I went to Cascais to have lunch with a friend of mine. As my friend phoned telling me that she would arrive later than expected, I decided to sit on a stone bench by the sea waiting for her arrival.

While I was there, some seagulls seamed to enjoy my company.

So, there I was, looking at sea, looking at people passing by and looking at seagulls.

I end up taking some photos. And suddenly, seagulls disappeared. Funny, I thought - after all it seems that they were just here waiting for being photographed.

At that very moment, I heard an "Hello". My friend has finally arrived.


Cada fotografia tem a sua história. Acreditam nisto?

Uma vez fui a Cascais para almoçar com uma amiga minha. Como a minha amiga telefonou dizendo que chegaria mais tarde do que o esperado, decidi sentar-me num banco de pedra perto do mar enquanto aguardava a sua chegada.

Enquanto estava ali, algumas gaivotas pareceram gostar da minha companhia.

Assim, ali estava eu, a olhar o mar, a olhar as pessoas que passavam e a olhar para as gaivotas.

Acabei por tirar algumas fotos. E de repente, as gaivotas desapareceram. Engraçado, pensei - afinal parece que elas estavam aqui apenas à espera para serem fotografadas.

Nesse preciso momento, ouvi um "Olá". A minha amiga tinha finalmente, chegado.

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Pictures4Us - Photos of Portugal but also of other countries
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